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There are 77 files in the Corpus.


ofermod finds all words with the sequence of letters "ofermod" in them.

g(.{1,3}ld finds words containing the letters g and ld with a minimum of one and a maximum of three other letters intervening. For example, it finds "geld", "gield", and "gyld". Note the curly braces

ode\b finds words ending with the letters ode. It finds "mode", "gode", and "werode"

Special Characters:

  • &t; (ampersand, letter, semicolon) for thorn.
  • &ae; for asc
  • &d; for eth

Search for Two Items

First search term:

Second search term:

From file:

To file:

\b word boundary ? previous character zero or one time
\w alphanumeric character + previous character one or more times
\W non-alphanumeric ^ following character at beginning of line
\d digit $ previous character at end of line
\D non-digit [xyz] any one of x, y, z
\s whitespace (NL, tab, etc.) (xyz) all of xyz together (groups xyz)
\ escapes next character | or
. single instance wildcard {x,y} minimum-x and maximum-y times of match
* multiple instance wildcard (greedy)